The Osteopathic Principles of Business

Harness the wisdom of the 4 core principles of osteopathy to guide you to operate your professional osteopathic practice with more passion, focus, joy, and abundance, all while supporting your patients with exceptional healthcare. This is a 5-module workshop to transform your practice!

Running live again in late 2024!

I'm ready to take my business to the next level.

The business of Osteopathy is unique - and so is this course.


Osteopathic professionals are different than other business owners.

We value people and connection, yet running the business centred around ethical patient care can feel lonely and inconsistent.

We value and promote holistic, balanced living, yet the business of being an osteopathic practitioner can feel like a roller coaster.

If you've ever felt lonely, frustrated, burnt out, or overwhelmed by running your practice - this course is here to CHANGE EVERYTHING!


What you'll learn in the Osteopathic Principles of Business Course...

Module 1

Your Business is a Dynamic Unit of Function
As a professional, sometimes it's easy to forget that principles don't just apply to your patients, they apply to all facets of your life - and your business is no different!
When you see and understand your business as a living organism that is dynamically connected to You the Practitioner, it brings to the surface all your challenges, and consequently, all the solutions!

Module 2

Your business' structures and functions are interrelated.
The biggest challenge practitioners face is that they don't have structures to deal with the administration of business.
If you have patchy bookings, feel like you are on a cash flow roller coaster, or are constantly stressed and overwhelmed, creating solid business structures will make all the difference in how you and your business function!

Module 3

Your business is self-repairing and self-healing... if you let it!

Another common challenge all business owners run into is getting in your own way! From trying to reinvent the wheel to overburdening yourself with jobs that aren't yours, this is a sure way to burn out!
Tap into the ease of your  business through thoughtful policies, procedures, and environmental set-up... because once you have a solid foundation the rest takes care of itself!

Module 4

Rational expansion considers the above three principles
At some point you'll likely want to create opportunities where your business makes money even if you aren't personally treating people.
The problem is that sometimes the expansion can be more stressful than the work itself! Learn to get clear on the type of expansion that best suits your personal and business needs so you can enjoy all the benefits of being self employed with expansion that ACTUALLY improves your life.

Module 5

Solving your unique challenges
 Learning is great - but sometimes it can be hard to see how it all applies to YOUR UNIQUE situation. 

This last module we will have hot seats, where we trouble shoot challenges live! You can also submit your questions ahead of time to be answered on the call so you can move forward with clarity, focus and excitement!

The business of osteopathy is EASY when you understand the principles.

This course will be recorded live every Friday over 5 weeks in late 2024 (date to be revealed!). All classes will be recorded with lifetime access so you can keep learning for years to come!

Elevate your business now!

"Offering your work in financial distress in the name of accessibility is not liberation, it's martyrdom. Healers are not exempt from having financial needs.

You won't please everyone as you offer your work and you aren't meant to...

Fawning to avoid judgement only dilutes your medicine. Not welcoming financial abundance is also how you deplete your medicine."

- Dr. Rosales Meza  

The two ways to learn The Osteopathic Principles of Business: 💻 

Learn Online

Join me for 10 hours of online training over 5 weeks. The course will be taught live and will be interactive so that you can gain an in-depth understanding to how the principles of Osteopathy apply to your business, and how to use them to design your personal, ideal practice.

We will cover everything from acquiring new patients, getting exceptional clinical outcomes as well as how you can effectively build, grow and scale your business 

All classes are recorded if you cannot make the whole event, and you will have lifetime access to them afterwards.

Eligible for up to 10 CEU hours.

Join the waitlist!

Upgrade your Learning as a VIP

If you are ready to level up and get laser-focused on your business expansion, this bespoke experience is for you. In addition to the course, receive 1-on-1 support in designing your ideal osteopathic practice in a private 2-hour intensive where we will create a 90 day  blueprint to your biggest expansion yet - and 3 more private implementation sessions over 90 days so you can see 3x your course investment before the new year... GUARANTEED! 

*Only 10 VIP mentorship slots available to ensure focused attention on you and your success

Eligible for up to 15 CEU hours.

Join the course + VIP waitlist now!

So here's what we're learning....


This is by far the most comprehensive business course available that's specifically designed FOR osteopathic practitioners, BY an osteopathic practitioner! Everything that is taught has been tried, tested, and refined by real people doing this work.


Here's what we'll cover in this online course:


✅ Explore how your business is simply a reflection of you: Your personal challenges ARE your business challenges

✅ Evaluate whether your business is in alignment with who YOU are

✅ Implement a value system so your business FEELS impactful everyday

✅ Architect your mindset around money, business, and health

✅ Attract new patients who you LOVE to work with

✅ Master initial intakes so you stay on time, get to the heart of the problem, and make a solid plan for patient healing

✅ Confidently recommend treatment plans and easily rebook patients so they can get better faster

✅ Set up your physical environment for success and healing for all

✅ Create policies and procedures that will make uncomfortable conversations around last-minute cancellations, price increases, and other awkward moments a  stress-free process

✅ Schedule your business around the things that matter most for you

✅ Deepen your self-care so you feel energized and excited for every patient

✅ Understand your business as an entire ecosystem.

✅ Find clarity for the most aligned business expansion options FOR YOU.

✅ Learn how to work fewer hours while making more income.


The Benefits you’ll gain:


⭐️ Decrease your daily stress and embrace a lot more fun and joy

⭐️ Create more abundance through streams of income

⭐️ Have solutions for the most challenging and uncomfortable business decisions

⭐️ Tap into revenue sources that already exist within your practice

⭐️ See your patients get better results 

⭐️ Increase your retention and referral rates (your results will speak for themselves!)

⭐️ Feel more inspired by the business you run and the healing you are supporting 


In addition to the course - if you choose the VIP option, you can expect: 


✅ Get laser-focused with a 2-hour deep dive session with Genevieve to support you architecting your dream business blueprint in alignment with who YOU are

✅ Co-create a bespoke 90-day plan with Geneviève to ensure you hit your goals and targets on the way to your dream business

✅ Stay accountable with three 1-hour implementation sessions so your good ideas become your reality

✅ Learn specific self-care, mindset, and energetic practices that work for YOU

BONUS: Receive a complimentary Self-Care Course (valued at $499) to exponentially improve your life, wellness and business

 GUARANTEED results: Triple Your VIP Investment ($4,500+) by the end of the course's 90-day implementation process, or I'll continue to work with you for free until you do!



The Benefits you’ll gain:


⭐️ Generate new income levels within 90 days

⭐️ Have an experienced mentor to walk you through the challenges in your business as they come up

⭐️ Feel more confident in your business and know you have a clear path to YOUR version of success (instead of just ideas and dreams)

⭐️ Feel better and more balanced than ever with more integrated self-care, both at work and everywhere else in your life!

⭐️ Get results FAST: A 90-day action plan, accountability calls, and text support. You'll have all the structure done for you so you can focus on implementation

⭐️ Gain a clear vision for your future expansion and step into the lifestyle you've always wanted


* There is a limited number of spaces available for the VIP option to ensure a high quality level of support*

Frequently Asked Questions

Learning from someone who has walked before you is the fastest way to get there yourself.

This course is made BY an osteopathic practitioner FOR osteopathic practitioners. Osteopathic practitioners face unique challenges in the workplace and this course is here to bridge that gap so you can enjoy ALL parts of your career... even the business parts!

Join now!

Online Osteo Business Course

$799 + hst

Payment plan as low as $200/mo

  • 5 recorded classes to help you assess, treat and make a plan for your practice
  • Lifetime access to all materials and includes all course upgrades and live offerings in future
  • Assessment quiz to pinpoint your biggest business challenges
  • Workbooks for each teaching module  
  • BONUS: Meditations, playlists, resources and more!
  • Up to 10 CEU hours (please check our FAQ section)
  • Payment plan available
Join the waitlist!

VIP: Online course + Private mentorship

$2499 + hst

Join the waitlist!

  • Includes everything that comes with the online course- Osteopathic Principles of Business purchase (value: $799)
  • 1x 2 hour private Deep Dive Business Blueprint call (value: $550)
  • 90 day business blueprint with a roadmap to your goals(value: $150)
  • 3x 60 min private mentoring implementation sessions (value: $750)
  • Unlimited text message support over 90 day implementation period (value: $300/mo)
  • Eligible for up to 15 Continuing Education Credits (CEU) (see FAQs)
  • BONUS: Receive access to Effortless Self Care Cycles online course to support your life holistically ($499 value)
  • Guaranteed Results: If you don't triple your course investment within your 90 day blueprint you will continue to receive one-on-one support until you do!
  • Payment plan available
Join the waitlist!
About Geneviève:

"Healing is when the mind asks what the body needs, the body replies, and the mind listens"


Hi, I'm Geneviève!


For over 13 years I've been running a busy professional osteopathic practice and wellness clinic. I love helping patients tap into the wisdom and health of their own bodies and watching them transform before my eyes.

Over my 13 years of practice I have faced many challenges in my business. From learning how to grow a practice from scratch in a new city, moving  and merging my clinic with another (and then running it on my own again), stepping into leadership (even when it was very uncomfortable)  to finally creating a business that supports the life I both choose and desire to live has been quite the roller coaster!

But all my business challenges have taught me about myself, who I am and what I could achieve more than anything else in my life ever could! It is my sincere hope to share these experiences with others, help them avoid some of the mistakes and pitfalls I made along the way so more practitioners are less focused on the "running of the business" and more focused on the expansion of sharing their own healing gifts with their community and beyond.

 That’s why I’m so excited to share this work with you in hopes that you emerge more confident in your practice, enjoy more ease and most importantly - have a lot more fun!

If credentials feel important for you here are highlights of my training, education and experience:

  • Honours Bachelor of Science (Health/Gerontology) through the University of Waterloo
  • Diploma in Massage Therapy (Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, Cambridge ON)
  • Master of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy (Hamilton ON)
  • Advanced Diploma in Animal Osteopathy (Animal Osteopathy International, UK)
  • Anatomy, physiology and treatment Instructor at Trillium College, Massage Therapy Program, Kingston ON
  • Owner of Full Circle Health Network Inc. Wellness Clinic  (Kingston ON) for 13 years