Emotional Anatomy for Manual Therapy Professionals

Learn how the human body stores emotion in postural and physical patterns, get to the root cause of chronic conditions, make your physical treatments more effective, and change your (and your clients) lives!

10 Hours of PRE RECORDED Continuing Education for Manual Therapists Looking to improve their outcomes, save their hands and love their practice!

I'm ready to take my practice to the next level!

If your Manual Therapy Practice just focuses on structural Anatomy - you're missing a big piece of the puzzle!

If you feel like:

  • Your clients keep coming back with the same complaints - even after you've "fixed" the structure
  • You've tried every technique in the book (and then some), but the pain and problem persists
  • Your clients need to keep coming back to feel well (a big problem if you have a wait list that keeps growing!)
  • Your passion for manual therapy is diminishing as you run into its limitations (only so much is physical!) 

This is not about how good of a practitioner you are - it's not even about your treatments;


Emotions change the physical structure of the body - they are literally energy in motion INSIDE the body.

  • Emotions physiologically manifest as tissue, fascial and anatomical restriction  
  •  Emotions are experienced during ALL physical trauma/accidents
  • The structural distortions that emotions can create are often difficult to identify if you don't know what you're looking for

Stop banging your head against the wall with structural treatments that can only take your practice so far.

Emotional Anatomy for Manual Therapists will accelerate your  client results (they'll rave about you), save your hands, and have you LOVING your work.

Thanks again for the Emotional Anatomy (course), very helpful and interesting - putting that amount of information together on something I have long felt was common sense (ie, how could emotions NOT affect us physically and physiologically??) was amazing

K. B. (Osteopathic Practitioner)

What you'll learn from Emotional Anatomy...


Expand your knowledge beyond body mechanics.
Learn how every emotion has their own anatomical mechanics and physiological effects, and how you can influence them as a practitioner while staying in your scope of practice.


Empower your clients to heal more holistically.
Give your clients tools beyond stretch and strengthen protocols: Help them understand how to interact differently with their body so that they can heal with both their body and mind.


Become a modern-day wisdom-keeper of holistic healing.

Understanding the emotional causes of physical ailments has played a significant role in many traditional and indigenous medicines. By respectfully learning from these practices and combining it with your clinical knowledge, this will transform your practice and the lives of your clients.

In this course, Gen provides practical insights into various aspects of structural dysfunction within the body. It was very interesting to learn about the implications of emotions, lifestyle and personality on the body’s structure! A vast amount of information is explained concisely along with helpful tips for identification of lesion patterns involving emotional elements. This course helps to round out the osteopathic approach to consider and support all aspects of patients, leading to better treatment outcomes. I highly recommend this course to any manual practitioner!

K.C. of Axiom Wellness Centre

Understand how emotions drive anatomy today!

You'll receive instant access to the original course recordings as well as any new live expanded training! Currently eligible for up to 10 Continuing Education Credit hours with most professional associations, you'll  also receive a certificate of completion for easy hour submissions!

Join now!

Take your clinical practice to the next level by deepening your understanding in the anatomy of emotions.

Without anatomy, emotions do not exist.


If you're looking for longer-lasting clinical results with your patients, all while empowering them to find deeper healing in their lives, understanding emotional anatomy will be a GAME. CHANGER.

So here's what we're learning....


Whether you join the Online Course, the In-person Intensive or both you will be expanding your knowledge of anatomy, physiology and gain incredible skills to take your treatments to the next level.  


Here's what we'll cover in the Online course:

✅Decipher a physical problem from an emotional problem (or if they are one and the same!)

Learn how emotions are a full body phenomena that engages the full anatomical structure of the body (vs a uniquely psychological experience)

✅ How emotions create anatomical strain patterns

✅ How emotions impact the physiology in the body

✅ How to identify the difference between an emotional physical strain vs a structural physical strain

✅ What someone's anatomy/posture tells you about their long term emotional state 

✅ Using emotional anatomy to better assess posture, physical findings  and  communicate with clients

✅ Understanding how TCM and Ayurvedic medicine incorporate emotions into  physical/structural health

✅ Learn the interrelation between Chakras, meridians and the underlying anatomical structures

✅ How to better assess and determine root cause of a condition

✅ How to explain emotional findings to clients while remaining in your scope of practice (and how to refer out) 


The Benefits you’ll gain:


⭐️ SAVE YOUR HANDS! Learn to work smarter - not harder!

⭐️ Expand your understanding of anatomy and the wisdom of the body

⭐️ Learn new ways to interact authentically with your clients while providing exceptional care

⭐️ Become more confident in your assessments, treatments and communication with clients

⭐️ Empower your clients with different approaches to healing they may have never considered

⭐️ Increase your retention and referral rates (your results will speak for themselves!)

⭐️ Have more fun and enjoy really getting to know and understand the humans you support



Just finished watching the first part of your course - WOW! Great Job! I'm really liking it so far and I love how you made things so easy to follow and understand!

M.P. (Osteopathic Practitioner)

Is this course for you? 

Your time is valuable and we won't take a second of that for granted! We want to make sure this course is a great fit for you!

This course is for you if:

  • You are a professional Manual Therapist (Osteopath, PT, RMT, Chiro, AT, etc) looking to better understand the anatomy and physiology of emotions
  • You believe in the mind-body connection 
  • You want to support your clients in getting to the root cause of their chronic conditions
  • You love seeing your clients empowered and get better faster than they ever imagined
  • You love to nerd out on anatomy and like to understand the how's and why's of the body
  • You've been inspired by books like "When the Body Says No"  by Gabor Maté or "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel Van Der Kolk 
  •  You are looking for high quality Continuing Education for your profession that you can access from the comfort of your home


This course is NOT for you if:

  • You don't believe in the mind-body connection
  • You only want to learn clinical techniques (this course is about so much more than just techniques - although many are discussed)
  • You do not enjoy connecting on an emotional level with your clients
  • You are not open to learning new ways of thinking
  • You are only interested in learning something that has mountains of academic double blind studies to prove everything - Despite well over 50+ resources used to create this course (many of which are peer reviewed scientific articles) there is  still a lot of research happening and needed in this area - This is why we offer lifetime access including access to new and updated materials!

Upfront Payment


(In CAD - HST included for Ontario)

  • Instant access to the 4 pre-recorded lectures
  • This course is lifetime access including any new or updated modules in the future
  • Eligible for 10 CEU/Continuing Education credits 
  • Certificate of completion for easy professional hour submissions 

Payment Plan

3 payments of $359

(3 monthly payments - HST included)

  • Instant access to the 4 pre-recorded lectures
  • This course is lifetime access including any new or updated modules in the future
  • Eligible for 10 CEU/Continuing Education credits 
  • Certificate of completion for easy professional hour submissions 

Gen, thank you for bringing light to me yesterday! You hit the nail on the head when putting it together in regards to physical pain/inflammation and emotional state. I couldn’t see it until you brought it to my attention. I'm feeling much more clarity now- and my knee stopped hurting within a day! 

J.J. (Registered Massage Therapist)

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about what the Body is trying to say with pain?

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About Geneviève:

"Healing is when the mind asks what the body needs, the body replies, and the mind listens"


Hi, I'm Geneviève!


For over 14 years I've been running a busy professional (osteopathic) practice and wellness clinic. I love helping clients tap into the wisdom and health of their own bodies and watching them transform before my eyes.

 I am deeply passionate about understanding nature and how it functions and impacts us as human beings. I am also deeply passionate about understanding human consciousness and how we can move through the world with more kindness, compassion and awareness. 

As I've leaned into the emotional anatomy work with my clients over the years I have seen incredible transformations both in my clients, in my treatment style and who I have become as a practitioner.

Becoming more aware of my own emotions and the emotions of others has lead to healthier interactions, better boundaries and a deeper understanding of how powerful we are as human beings and healers of our own lives.

That’s why I’m so excited to share this work with you in hopes that you emerge more confident in the human body, in it's abilities to communicate and to heal.

If credentials feel important for you here are highlights of my training, education and experience:

  • Honours Bachelor of Science (Health Science  & Gerontology - University of Waterloo -2009)
  • Diploma in Massage Therapy (Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, Cambridge ON -2010)
  • Master of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy (Hamilton ON - 2013)
  • Advanced Diploma in Animal Osteopathy (Animal Osteopathy International, UK - 2019)
  • Anatomy, physiology and treatment Instructor at Trillium College, Massage Therapy Program, Kingston ON 
  • Owner of Full Circle Health Network Inc. Wellness Clinic  (Kingston ON - since 2010)