Body Language Meditation Challenge
Decode the secret language of your body for better health and deeper connection in only 20 minutes per day!
Join this FREE 11-day meditation challenge. (Recordings available from May 2023 live streams)
Let's look at what you'll learn:
Learn to feel the difference between a full body yes and a full body no - this will give you clarity and peace of mind KNOWING you are making the right decisions for you.

Understand where and which emotions get compressed in your physical body - and how to release them.
Tap into the guidance that makes you feel ALIVE and EXCITED so you can experience more joy in every day you live.

Learn what your body has been trying to tell you all this time....
What you’ll learn in this FREE workshop:
💫 Understand how to get a clear answer from your body so you can ALWAYS make the best decisions for you
💫 Learn where you store different emotions (and what they are) in your own body and how they impact your physical body
💫 Gain insight into how the chakra system can be your blueprint of understanding emotions
💫 Learn how to ground yourself in your body when you feel overwhelmed and overstimulated
💫 Become inspired by what your soul is calling you to do (and feel the freedom to actually do it!)
The Benefits you’ll gain:
💜 Learn where you hold your emotions (and how they can be causing physical pain or illness in your body)
💜 Gain routine around meditation so it's something you can incorporate more regularly in your life
💜 Understand how your body and emotions are always connected
💜 Awareness of what experiences and emotions you are holding onto (and how to release them)
💜 Instantly boost your self confidence in decision making
💜 Deepen your gratitude for your body, exactly as it is
💜 Enjoy a deeper trust in your body and mind
This Challenge is completely FREE - so please invite and share this with your friends 🥰.
What is this all about?
I am so excited to share this challenge with you. Over the past 13 years of being an osteopathic practitioner I have learned so much from working with human bodies. One of the most profound things I have learned is the different physical places and spaces we store our emotions in. For years I've seen people who will come for a treatment to address issues they believe are physical complaints but when we dig a little deeper we actually discover the issue is far more connected to their emotions and experiences than they ever could have imagined!
I would be grateful if you shared your time with me so I can pass along the tools that I only WISH I had the time to teach every patient that is on my table. By developing a deeper understanding of how your mental, emotional and physical bodies are all connected you become your OWN healer. You can begin to speak the language of your body - so you can respond, so you can find the right paths for you - every single time.
It would be an honour to share some of these teachings in a way that I know can help you find more clarity, joy and peace living in your magnificent body!
How it works:
✅ Every morning for 11 days (5am EST), you will receive an audio file right to your inbox so you can listen at whatever time suits you that day
✅ Each class will be no more than 20 minutes - I'll start each class with a brief description of our topic and take you through an easy to follow meditation. You don't even need your eyes closed - just listening can be meditation enough!
✅You can ask questions, share your experiences and get inspired in my private facebook group dedicated to self care and self love (optional)
I look forward to sharing this time with you.
❤️ Geneviève
Manual Osteopathic Practitioner - Clinic Owner- Self Care Advocate
Decode the secret language of your body today!
From Geneviève:
The deepest love you can ever experience is based on how much you love yourself"